Filling Out a Cuba Visa Tourist Card - Tarjeta del Turista

*Cuba is currently phasing out paper visas or tourist cards and phasing in an electronic E-Visa process.  Paper forms are still valid for use until June 30, 2025.  Instructions for these are below.  For Cuba Unbound guests we will soon be providing you with an E-Visa number rather than a paper visa.  If you have questions about this, please contact us with your reservation number.  If you are not a Cuba Unbound guest we cannot help you and would ask that you consult other online services if you need assistance.

Travelers to Cuba require a visa, also known as a Cuban Tourist Card. Currently, if you are flying from the USA, the U.S. air carrier will have these paper visas available for sale in the boarding area, at a price ranging from $50-$100. It’s also legal to fly through another country like Canada or Mexico. In that case you can also obtain the visas at the airport.  Note that as the E-Visa becomes more common the airlines will likely phase out the sale of the paper visas at the airport.

Below is a photo of the “Visa – Tarjeta del Turista.”  Read this carefully because if you make a mistake, you will have to purchase another visa.

Image of a blank Cuban tourist visa card application with a blue pen


A step by step guide to filling out a Cuban tourist visa card - Tarjeta del Turista:

*Please note that you will need this tourist visa to enter and leave Cuba. 

Step 1

Fill out your last name on the first line.

Step 2

Fill out your first name on the second line.

Step 3

Fill in the requested information such as date of birth above the indicated space for day, month, and year.

Step 4

Fill in your passport number 

Step 5

For citizenship, citizens of the United States should just put “USA”


*Note: If you make a mistake on the left side, and it is minor, just repeat in the same on the right side.  

On the back you will see a stamp from ROW Sea Kayak Adventures.  This is our company that has an agreement with the Consulate of Cuba to purchase these tourist cards.


Full List of Cuba Entry Requirements