Understanding Cuba's Casas Particulares

Understanding Cuba's Casas Particulares

I’ve been traveling to Cuba since 2015 and have spent around two years in total on the island. There is a huge variety of scenery and hundreds of cities, towns and villages, each with their own flavor and vibe.  Each also has a unique history, always worth exploring.

Cuban Insight

When people come to Cuba and learn about our way of living, our economic situation and the hardships we Cubans face on daily basis, they can’t help but wonder how it is possible that despite everything, we always look so happy and we are always smiling. As opposed to focusing on our problems, we mostly laugh at them.

9 Surprising First Impressions of Cuba

Stevie Gawryluk, an Adventure Consultant for ROW and Adventure Unbound recently made her first trip to Cuba. Below she recounts some of her most surprising first impressions; take a peek to share in her journey!  

What is the Best Way to Tour Cuba?

Legal Travel to Cuba for the U.S. Citizen Explained

Update – Now that Cuba has opened up for travelers again after being closed for nearly two years due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, this article has been updated based on recent visits in the spring of 2022.